Ардын сурган хүмүүжүүлэх ухаан тогтвортой хэллэгээр илрэх нь (ямааны бэлчээрт нөлөөлөлтийн жишээгээр)
Ардын сурган хүмүүжүүлэх ухаан, тогтвортой хэллэг, ардын билиг зүй, нүүдлийн мал аж ахуй, бэлчээр, ямааAbstract
Mongolians have a pastoralism and they domesticated animals as sheep, goats, camel, cattle,
horses and yak. Pastoralism (specially-goats) to affect Mongolian’s custom, making a living,
culture, language and others. Pastoralism based on interaction of nature-livestock-man but
recently livestock’s increasing, cultivation, industrialization and others are effected in regression
of pasture. Mongolians are inheriting about above interaction-herding pedagogy for next
generations by folk pedagogy, folklore, idioms.
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