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Kaneko, Kumao, Special advisor to Japanese Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (JPPNW)
Kawasaki, Akira, Member of Executive Committee of Peace Boat
Kaye, Candace, PhD California State University, Los Angeles
Khaisandai, Luvsan, D.Sc, Professor, Director of Institute of International Studies, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
Khatanbold, O, Administrative and Finance Assitant to the MDG 9 Project, Mongolia, Research fellow of the Department of Political Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law, MAS
Khatanbold, O, MA, Ph.D Candidate in the Mongolian State University of Education
Ko, Sangtu, Professor, Graduate School of Area Studies Yonsei University, Seoul
Krishna, Vaishali
Krishna, Vaishali, ICSSR Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Centre for Inner Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Krishna, Vaishali, Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Kuribayashi, S, Professor of economics, Tokyo International University
Kuromiya, Hiroaki, Professor of History, Indiana University
Kuznetsov, Marina

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